Saturday, July 20, 2013

It's been a while!

Hey there! 

I'm back from my internet-less vacation, and I must admit I am slightly, er, highly addicted to technology, specifically internet. It was somewhat torturous once I used all of my data on my cell phone. However, what's past is past and now I have internet again and can once again blog to my hearts content! 


We FINALLY got power, and the apartment is a balmy 76 degrees. :)

I'm trying to decide what to write about... This week has been an interesting roller coaster of fun. Learning a new city, and unpack boxes upon boxes to make this new place our home. I say that last part with utter excitement... 'Our Home' couldn't be a more truthful description of this new apartment. Scott and I have been living together for about a year now, but this is the first time it's really felt like our's. We're shopping for furniture together, spending time together before he goes to work and really just making an effort to make this place look and feel nice and homey, and that feeling is amazing. I cannot wait until we finally have a couch, and have all the boxes unpacked!

So I have been taking pictures of all the restaurants we've been eating at, and this post I want to discuss. This is especially great if you are going to be in the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area and want some recommendations!

1. Sidetrack Bar and Grill    
    • We went here on our first night out with my parents and some of Scott's family. This place was hopping, literally full of people. They had a number of accolades and a typical burger and fry menu.
    • Food took a long time to come out, but that was probably because it was a packed house that night. As a result, the food was slightly cold by the time it got to us, but it was delicious.
    • Cool Extra: You can season your french fries special! They were yummy!

2. The Bomber Restaurant                       
    • This little hole in the wall was known for their 'Bomber Breakfast', a whopping meal with 4 eggs, 1 pound of break fast meat and 1 pound of hashbrowns... What do you know, Scott had to take on this challenge. 

    • I looooved the hashbrowns! The flavor was amazing, and I cannot wait to come back here! 

3. Aubree's Pizzeria and Grill       
    • As you can see we got a deep dish meat lovers pizza and it was amazing. The cheese bread is yummy and our waitress was really nice and accommodating
    • Cool Extra: Flavor your pizza crust!! OMG Delicious and awesome. We got ours half and half because it wasn't that busy on a Sunday at 5pm, but sooo good.  

There you have it... Three places to try in Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor area. Enjoy!


Monday, July 15, 2013

The Struggles of Moving

You know, as far as moving goes, I'd say we did everything right. We called all of our major utilities, changed our address, and took care of all the major things, and still things have gone wrong.

Now I understand that things go wrong, but it seems a major issue for us as we are now into day 3 of our problems. 


Now way back when I was in high school, there was a huge wind storm, which cause most of the city to lose power for 1-3 weeks. This was somewhat miserable, but it was September, and we were able to make it work. This was not the current problem, however, our problem is a singular issue.

The Issue

The issue spawns from the previous tenant, and their irresponsible behavior of not canceling their electric and not continuing to pay the bill. Due to their delinquent account, the power was shut off by the electric company. The apartment complex, did not take the necessary steps to ensure that the power was switched back into their name, since the tenants have been out of the apartment for over 2 months. Finally, when our power was supposed to be on, it wasn't. So here we are, at some McDonald's in Michigan enjoying the internet and air conditioning instead of unpacking. When the issue was brought to our attention, we called the company and have been given the run around and its now Monday and we won't have power until maybe 4:30pm... Hopefully, we don't have to sleep in the heat again tonight.

Frustration and tension is high. Hopefully, this is just a bad start to a wonderful adventure. 

Next Post will be about the wonderful food places we have found as a result of our powerless apartment.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Rainbow Vodka Slush

I was unsure as to whether I should post this in the Weekly Recipe section or not, because it's hardly food, so I decided to post it here. I was wandering through the maze that is Pinterest and I found this pin that took me to the blog of Ramlings from the Sunshine State, which showed me how to make this awesome rainbow slush in a triffle bowl with freeze pops. So I decided to test it out, and post my experience on my blog. Now the original instructions were made for a child's birthday party, however, I decided to add some 'adult' ingredients and I'll be serving this at Scott and I's going away party next week! 

To View the Original instructions, click above, I want to give credit to the master mind in this instance!

So I started with 100 Freeze Pops, and put them into bowls. I had 6 different colors and they were distributed fairly evenly. I originally had frozen them when I bought them, but I realized after the fact, that it may have been easier to leave them unfrozen and pour them in one at a time and freeze each layer, in any case, I had to let them thaw in the first place so I should have just left them liquid. I added one shot of Smirnoff's Melon flavored vodka, its just something I got on sale and I didn't feel like going out to buy rum.

I started off with the grape flavor, and I didn't like how chunky it seemed to be, plus I couldn't use all of it, there was too much. So like any smart mind, I decided to let it melt completely so it wouldn't be so chunky, and then I became impatient and put it in the Magic Bullet, and blended it all into a very soft slushie.

As you can see, I did that for the pink flavor too until Scott said that was a waste of time because I still had to wait for the grape to freeze. So anyway, I proceeded to put the grape liquid into the freezer and let it completely freeze, which takes a while.

In the mean time, my other flavors were sitting out, just melting.

Next, I added the pink and then the green and all was good until I became overly impatient with the orange. I poured the orange on top of the green before the green was completely frozen through and the orange somehow put a hole in the green and it immersed itself into the pink and purple, so I don't think I'll be seeing the orange. I know they say patience is a virtue, but damn I just wanted it to be finished now!

Anywho, I proceeded to add the red because I wanted light and dark colors alternating and orange screwed me over, finally, topping the rainbow with the lovely red. So now it will just sit in my freezer for a couple of days until my party. But it did make me think of how to change this recipe to fit holidays. Think, a red, white and blue one, with Kamakazi shots, I mean seriously?! YUM! Or a green and red one for Christmas, oooh and a orange and black one for Halloween. I think it could be fairly easy to make, even without freeze pops, instead maybe Kool-Aid? In any case, this gives me some ideas!!! And I LOOOVE ideas!

So all in all, the rainbow slush turned out quite nicely, I'm just going to leave it out for about an hour before the party so it can get a nice slush going.

A Few Changes to make from the original blog post.
  • The Freeze Pop can be unfrozen, this might save some time.
  • Add alcohol, I mean this is obvious.
  • I made the freeze pop completely melted instead of chunky, this might change the quality.

Don't forget to be PATIENT!


So I made the slush, but unfortunately realized how difficult it was when we finally sat it out to drink. 
  1. The slush was too solid to make a slush.
  2. We waited for hours for it to even be soft enough to put into a glass.
  3. As it melted, it all turned a dark purple.
  4. Didn't look as cool as expected.
  5. The trifle leaked tons of condensation.

The saddest thing for me was my high expectations, but failed attempt I might try to follow the future directions more closely, but I might also leave this idea at home. 
