Friday, June 28, 2013

Blog Writing Can Be Discouraging.

So, I'm writing a blog and I just want people to read it, to be interested in it. I realize now how difficult it is to expect that. To advertise this on Facebook is one thing, then Pinterest, hoping that I'll gain a tiny following or something. I guess, its early, but I just want comments, and readers. Just more!

Wow, I sounds somewhat pitiful, but it's the truth and I'm sure those of you who have written a blog in the past know hoe discouraging it can be when you never have a comment or anything. I just have to believe that eventually this will get a following. In any case, I don't have much to say today.

Have a Happy weekend!!!

I'm going to a pottery painting place tomorrow and I am going to be making a tile mirror. I will be sure to post pictures next week when I pick it up!

Thanks for reading


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